Reciprocal Actions

Reciprocal Action

Let's get learn this subject "With Each Other"

The basics of reciprocal action is the meaning to say the term of "each other"

for example if you use the spanish verb of  "to eat" (Comer) and change it into a Reciprocal Action
you are saying either "we eat with each other" or " They ate with each other" Either way the Reciprocal Action will be used in plural form in many different cases

So conjugating or changing the form of Comer into Reciprocal Action form is very simple:

First: you must identify if the Verb being used would either be conjugated into NOS form or The Plural form of Se

Second: After you have identified the form the verb would be conjugated to, obviously... CONJUGATE it in the Imperfect form
* So if you were conjugating Comer (Spanish form of "To eat") into Reciprocal in the 2nd step then you use:
Nos form: Comíamos
Plural Se Form: Comían

Third: In the form that you had said it you then add either a NOS or SE in front of the conjugated word
* So if you want a fully Reciprocal Action Phrase for Comer then you have::
Nos form: Nos Comíamos
Plural Se Form: Se Comían

*The Nos form for Comer would mean: We ate with each other

*The Plural Se Form for Comer would mean: They ate with each other